Meet Cole Bacon ('22) and learn how his French major prepared him for his current job teaching in Tournon-sur-Rhône in southeast France.

Were you a double major? If so, what was your other major?
Yes, French and Political Science.
How did you become interested in the French major?
I wanted to continue my French studies from high school at the university level to improve my overall competency and ability to understand other cultures. I wasn’t originally a French major, but after a few classes with the faculty and other students (and after consulting my advisors!), I decided to pursue a French major.
What is your most memorable experience as a French major?
I had the opportunity to work as a tutor in the department, which was an amazing experience; it not only let me work with some of the students in lower division courses, but also made me realize my own abilities and interest in helping others.
Did you participate in study abroad? If so, what was your experience?
I did participate in study abroad, through UCEAP in spring quarter 2022. My program was split between Paris and London and I had an incredible time – it was the perfect capstone to my college experience. Being able to communicate with the people in Paris in their native language truly facilitated a much more enriching experience. It was of course a challenge to navigate the ins and outs of a new country, but it was very rewarding after years of studying French.
How are you currently utilizing your knowledge of the French language and culture and taken transferable skills with you?
I’m currently participating in the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF) for the 2023-24 school year, so I’m living in a small town in southeast France (Tournon-sur-Rhône) teaching English at the collège and lycée level. I use French as my dominant, day-to-day language in everything from conversing with my new colleagues/friends and questioning the vendors at the weekly marchés to opening a bank account and navigating the French administration. Because of my French coursework at UC Davis, I am able to more wholly integrate myself into the local culture and benefit from it as a result. Even in the classrooms here (where I teach in English), my French coursework has prepared me for the tasks and challenges of working in a school environment: oral/written competency, attention to cultural differences, problem solving, and much more.
What advice would you give students who are considering a French major?
Talk to your advisors! I was surprised at how well the French major fit into my four year academic plan – even with another major and minor. I’d also suggest taking a few French courses (and definitely peruse the course catalog) to get a feel for both the academic and community aspects of the program.